Gynecomastia is an unusual growth of the breasts in men. It can occur as a result of advancing age, weight problems, certain diseases, certain medications used and certain dietary supplements that promote bodybuilding. If there is no other underlying health problem, a surgical reduction can be performed. The unnatural growth of the breasts, which affects the person psychologically and their need to hide, is given an aesthetic appearance through gynecomastia surgeries. The operation has a very high success rate.
Gynecomastia surgery is the process of reducing unnatural breast growth in men through surgical procedures. The course of gynecomastia treatment depends on the amount of loose skin, fat accumulation in the breast, size and location of the brown area. Depending on the condition of these, what will be done during the operation will vary.
Gynecomastia is an excessive growth of the breasts in men. The person who has this problem must first be examined by an endocrinologist. Gynecomastia is often caused by other diseases or excessive weight gain. If breast enlargement is caused by other disorders, treatments are applied for those disorders. Growths that appear during puberty can disappear over time. Therefore, gynecomastia surgery is not recommended for people under the age of 18. Breast deformity procedures are permanent and reliable procedures. They can be performed for many problems.
- Unnatural growth due to fat in the breast can be observed at any age. The problem is resolved by liposuction of the affected area.
- Gynecomastia can be caused by an accumulation of hard tissue. This tissue is also removed by gynecomastia surgery
- In addition to fat and hard tissue accumulation or alone, there may be sagging and drooping of the skin. The sagging is tightened by removing excess skin.
- Due to unnatural growth and sagging, the location of the darker area on the nipple may change; the darker area is brought back to where it should be during gynecomastia surgery.
There are various reasons for unnatural breast growth in men: certain medications, certain substances used for weight training, etc. For this reason, an ultrasound examination of the tissue and certain tests in the endocrinology department should be performed before requesting surgery.

In the case of gynecomastia, if the elastic structure of the breast skin is not altered and there is only an accumulation of fat, the excess fat is removed by liposuction and the skin recovers on its own. If the excess is due to hard tissue in the breast, this tissue must be removed. Excess hard tissue can be found at the same time as fat accumulation; in this case, liposuction and hard tissue removal can be performed in the same session. In addition to all this, the skin that has lost its elasticity may sag. The darker colored area of the nipple may sag. In this case, the excess skin is removed and the skin is tightened. The darker area is brought into the position it should be in. The incision is kept small and concealable. Large, permanent scars are usually not visible. In some techniques, the incision is not opened, which reduces the possibility of scarring. The operation takes about 40 minutes on average. Gynecomastia surgery can be performed under local anesthesia, intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure. In some cases, stitches may be placed on the surface of the skin, which are removed after one week at the latest.
Gynecomastia surgeries are procedures in which the recovery process is fast and comfortable. After the procedure, the patients can return to their social lives to a large extent in a short time. The success rate of these operations is very high.
Gynecomastia surgery has a very low complication risks. If the procedure is performed with micro-entries without incisions, the risks associated with incisions and anesthesia are largely eliminated. In open incision procedures, the wound area and stitches, if any, must be protected. If stitches are applied, the operation area should not be wet for a certain period of time. It is recommended that a corset be used for some time after the operation. Hygiene must be observed to avoid infection of the wound site. Pain is usually not noticed after these procedures. Bruising, swelling, numbness and tingling sensations disappear spontaneously within a few days. Although bleeding and blood pooling are very rare, they can be controlled with the use of a drain.

The result of gynecomastia surgeries is permanent. Recurrence is unlikely unless there is another discomfort, effect, or weight gain.
The type of anesthesia in gynecomastia surgery affects the time of discharge from the hospital. If the operation is performed under general anesthesia, the patient stays in the hospital overnight. If the operation is performed under local anesthesia, the patient can be discharged from the hospital the same day. The patients can continue their daily life after returning home. The corset to be worn after the operation must be worn continuously for three to six weeks. After three weeks, it can only be used during the day. The use of the corset is important for the recovery period. It is necessary to wait two weeks before swimming. Activities that increase the risk of edema should be avoided until the end of the six-week period. During the first few days, pain, tingling, bruising, etc. may be observed, although slightly, but they are temporary. It is necessary to eat healthily during the recovery period. It is important not to interrupt the controls carried out by your doctor.
The points that the patient should pay attention to before and after gynecomastia surgeries are :
- You must stop smoking some time before the operation. Smoking seriously affects wound healing.
- You must stop smoking some time before the operation. Smoking seriously affects wound
healing. - You should fully inform your doctor about the medications you are using, previous operations and previous illnesses before the operation.
- After the operation, the corset should be used for the required period of time.
- You should consult your doctor before resuming heavy sports activities.
- You should not swim in the sea or in a pool for two weeks.
- Hygiene of the wound site must be emphasized.